Traces of Touch

serendipity into the oblivion

Posts Tagged ‘generator

Box generator

with 13 comments

For my final outcome Im going to be in the need of a whole bunch of small boxes in different sizes. Normally I would attack this with Sketchup and draw each of them out but since I might need 10+ boxes that would take to much time. So I sat down and wrote together an application that I have been thinking of doing for 1,5 years. A box generator that creates all the tabs with the correct material thickness and so on. If you want to try it out it can be found at here. Be aware though that it hasn’t been tested in real life yet with a laser but as it is now it seems to fit when putting the pieces together in Illustrator…

* Update* I have now cut 10+ boxes and it works nicely with different kinds of material and sizes. I need to add a press fit option but that will be a later addon. Now I will just stick to superglue and woodglue.

Written by sjunnesson

August 21, 2010 at 14:56

Posted in prototyping

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